CSR Opportunity

Why should you associate with The Green India Trust?

According to data, India loses around 333 acres of forest daily for various reasons, and pollution has killed 1.24 million Indians, half of whom are under 70. Regarding healthcare, 1.6 million Indians perished due to low healthcare quality.

For India to become a world economic power, all stakeholders, such as the government, corporations, and individuals, must work together to tackle these two fundamental issues in India.

  1. Concentrating on environmental preservation and environmental awareness, two focused on rural health care, livelihood, and education
  2. To concentrate on rural health care, livelihood, and education

With the idea that “Green India Trust is the ecological voice of Indian citizens, fighting for environmental protection, sustainable development, and participatory democracy,” Green India Trust’s work is vitally significant.

Its home-grown, non-patented original technology, along with continued local funding, has allowed it to ramp up from 10000 plantations in 2008 to one billion trees distributed and plantations in rural regions. We are running three-digit medical camps in rural areas.

What are the Companies Act 2013?

The Companies Act 2013 has taken a bold step to introduce the culture of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) amidst Indian corporates by giving a minimum expenditure towards social activities. 

According to Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, every company with a net worth of INR 500 crores or more or a turnover of INR 1000 crores or more, or a net profit of INR five crores or more, would be mandated to spend at least 2 percent of the net profits (before tax) of the immediately preceding three years on CSR activities. The accounting firm Ernst & Young estimates that the law would cover over 2,500 companies in India and generate over U.S. $2 billion of CSR spending in local communities. 

Activities eligible for CSR spend are – 

  1. Plantation and environment awareness programs
  2. Education 
  3. Empowering women and promoting gender equality 
  4. Improvement of health
  5. Skill Development 
  6. Contribution towards Central and State Government funds for socioeconomic development

For more details, please contact us at  greenindia@gitrust.org or chairman@gitrust.org


Why should you associate with The Green India Trust?