Billion Tree Plantation
Green India Trust’s Billion Tree Plantation project is an ongoing process and the dream project of our trust, which is a large-scale forest restoration effort. We aim to plant a billion trees to slow the linked disasters of environmental issues and habitat destruction.
Humans have evolved through the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. Perhaps we are now proceeding toward Plantation Age!
Trees provide substantial advantages to our daily lives and would increase the fertility of the soils and make cities less affected by pollution, providing clean fresh air to breathe.
A billion-tree plantation can help save the planet from global warming and habitat loss. We remove carbon and help biodiversity when we reinstate and try to preserve critical forests. A billion tree plantation is a large sum, but we know we can do it together.

Green India Trust’s “Billion Tree Plantation” Project highlighted four goals, consenting that plantations should
- Keep the ecosystem’s authenticity.
- High conservation morals should be protected and enhanced.
- Be created via effective performance participation processes
- Donate to growth in the economy.
The main goal of the “Billion Tree Plantation” Project of Green India Trust is to enhance food security, reduce poverty and create sustainable livelihoods in 1,00000 vulnerable agrarian communities as well as surrounding communities in India.
Specific project objectives are:
- Objective 1: To reduce global warming and to build the capacity of rural communities to equitably self-organize and proactively plan & implement sustainable community development and farmer-to-farmer training using participatory processes
- Objective 2: To increase net household income by expanding plant production and market access, and reducing household expenditures.
The “Billion Tree Plantation” Project of Green India Trust wants to see a new generation of plantations in harmony with people and nature. An ideal plantation would bring direct benefits to the people living nearby.
To achieve the plantation of billion trees, Green India focused on having its own nursery. Until 2019, we had our nurseries at
Most of our plants are procured from our nursery and a few from other nurseries. Seedlings grown on the nursery mattress must be excluded after 2-3 months, migrated to an intended site, or placed in poly bags. Polybag plantlets can be stored for a year, depending on the cultivation needs. Plant heights of 45 to 60 cm are ideal for plantations. Watering, weeding, and inter-culture must be finished to keep the soil well-aerated. After procurement from the nurseries, they are migrated to the intended locations like schools, Temples, government organizations, Trusts, and other organizations.
- Plants are distributed to the organizations, those who request us after getting the confirmation letter that they will take of the plants.
- When a team of Green India Trust finds any location favorable for plantation, then they will request that particular organization to grow the plants and explain about the BTP and the importance of reforestation.
- We gifted the plants to the devotee in the temples on special occasions and festivals.
- Door- to –Door plant distribution in villages.
Monitoring & Evaluation:
- Periodically visiting the plantation sites
- Advice volunteers on fertility to plants
Project outcomes:
- In the Short term:
This project generates employment and Increases women’s empowerment –In this project, women’s empowerment is of most important concern-90% of the project activities are carried out by women. Women are gaining specific skills by participating in project designing, implementation, data collection, farmer-to-farmer sessions, and plantation of plants.
- In the long term:
- Reduces Global warming
- Maintain Biodiversity
- This project gives the tree releases 100 tons of oxygen for a lifetime, sufficient for a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people, and extracts a huge amount of CO2 and protects human beings.
- One large tree can lift to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air in a day.
- A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere (as per literature )
- BTP improves income generation and market opportunities in district areas, improves microclimate (from improved soil quality, water availability, and biodiversity), and improves communication between regional farmers, research institutes, and the national government.
- Support local needs, aspirations, and well-being
- Contribute to communities’ economic and social development.